Kim Prowse Kim Prowse

Flicker and Fly

inspiration is vital

I am a firefly in the forest lighting my way through the trails. I have been making time and space in my regular life for my creative dreams to come true. I have been gathering a lot of information on how to make this happen in this last quarter of my life. There have been many learning curves and I am persistent to get through them. It’s taking a lot of time to tweek and gather projects with this portfolio site as well as learning how to build a web site. I move towards on how I can evolve into a professional profitable success. I keep pushing myself forward. I started to branch off with my pattern making skills 2 years ago. I have learned much through Skillshare classes, U, Tube Videos and Instagram’s micro learning. For that I am most grateful. I am doing it right now, I am evolving, I have a vision board and a 5 year plan. I am putting myself out there on social media which is a hurdle for me because most days I don’t want to share my raw work with the world. I keep experimenting on finding my style with the pattern designers and taking risks all the way home. I have to remember to tweet my other part of life as well, there is a lot of device manipulation before the pattern gets to be pretty and accepted in social media. Making time to exercise, yoga, travel, walks, family and vacations are the second most important actions to take and - oh yes,, spending time with friends, family, cat and likeminded artists. .

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